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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/1991-9468.117.028.202404.606-623


“Voice of Student” in the Analysis of Components of Digital Educational Environment during Online Learning

Olga I. Popova
Cand.Sci. (Sociol.), Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and International Management, Ural State University of Economics (62, bld. 45 March 8/Narodnaya Volya St., Yekaterinburg 620144, Russian Federation), Associate Professor of the Chair of Personnel Management and Sociology, Ural State University of Railway Transport (66 Kolmogorova St., Yekaterinburg 620034, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9954-4259, Researcher ID: AAF-9753-2019, SPIN-code: 4186-2180, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Galina S. Timokhina
Cand.Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor of the Marketing Chair, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (36 Stremyannyi pereulok, Moscow 115054, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7322-8063, Scopus ID: 57221204007, Researcher ID: M-4416-2016, SPIN-code: 2835-7295, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Natalya B. Izakova
Cand.Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Chair of Marketing and International Management, Ural State University of Economics (62, bld. 45 March 8/Narodnaya Volya St., Yekaterinburg 620144, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1316-2634, Scopus ID: 57218249624, Researcher ID: AAQ-6542-2021, SPIN-code: 3839-0685, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Larisa M. Kapustina
Dr.Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Marketing and International Management, Ural State University of Economics (62, bld. 45 March 8/Narodnaya Volya St., Yekaterinburg 620144, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8797-7831, Scopus ID: 56288301700, Researcher ID: R-8494-2016, SPIN-code: 2424-4826, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction. The importance of consumer experience research in online learning is determined by the competition of universities for consumers in the educational market. Existing studies in this problematic field are devoted to assessing students’ perception of only some aspects of online learning, which do not fully reflect the complexity of such a complex category as the “digital educational environment”. Based on the authors’ Voice of Student research algorithm, the aim of the study was to analyze students’ evaluations of the consumer’s experience of interaction with components of the digital learning environment during online learning.
Materials and Methods. Secondary and primary data were obtained using traditional and content analysis, systematization methods. Comparison of the results of the empirical quantitative study “Student’s Voice”, conducted in 2020 and 2023, was carried out on the basis of representative non-probability quota samples of 400 units using descriptive statistics methods.
Results. A definition of the category Digital Educational Environment and a model of the same name have been proposed, which includes 7 components that constitute the novelty of the research: information, technical, pedagogical and methodological support, as components of the infrastructure of the digital educational system, as well as elements of the educational interaction system: information and educational, information and activity, information and cognitive, information and communication. Specifics of the authors’ model of digital educational environment is in the integration of technological, pedagogical and educational approaches to the organization of digital educational environment at a university. An authors’ algorithm for the Voice of Student study was developed to evaluate the consumer experience when students interact with components of the Digital Educational Environment during online learning. A comparative analysis of student ratings of the digital learning experience showed that students rated their experience more positively in 2023 than in 2020. In addition, analysis of student ratings of interaction with seven components of the digital learning environment in 2023 identified key issues in online learning. The analysis of the results of this study showed, on the one hand, an improvement in the consumer experience of students’ interaction with all seven components of the digital educational system in 2023 compared to 2020, while the online learning format was spontaneously implemented in the educational process. On the other hand, it showed a more negative than positive assessment by students of their experience with the four components of the digital education system in 2023. Conclusions are drawn on the indispensability of decisions to be made to improve students’ experience when interacting with components of the digital educational environment.
Discussion and Conclusion. Conclusions of the authors support methodological, theoretical and applied considerations of Voice of Student study and help improve the interaction of students with digital educational environment component. The respective efforts of the university will enable it to attract and retain consumers of educational services, and increase its competitiveness.

Keywords: Voice of Student methodology, components of digital educational environment model, consumer experience, educational interaction system, student satisfaction, digital competence of teachers

Acknowledgments:The authors extend gratitude to the editors and reviewers of the journal for their helpful comments and advice on formatting when preparing the article for the publication.

Conflict of interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

For citation: Popova O.I., Timokhina G.S., Izakova N.B., Kapustina L.M. “Voice of Student” in the Analysis of Components of Digital Educational Environment during Online Learning. Integration of Education. 2024;28(4):606–623. https://doi.org/10.15507/1991-9468.117.028.202404.606-623

Author’s contribution:
O. I. Popova – directing the research; developing the research methodology; collecting, processing and analyzing data; drafting the initial version of the article; reference list compilation.
G. S. Timokhina – development of research methodology; critical analysis of materials; preparation of the final version of the article; translation into English; design of the article.
N. B. Izakova – collection, processing, statistical and critical analysis of data; reference list compilation.
L. M. Kapustina – critical analysis of data; reference list compilation.

Availability of data and materials. The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the authors on reasonable request.

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Submitted 10.06.2024;
revised 17.09.2024;
accepted 25.09.2024.



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