Integration of Education
Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Journal
Founded 1996
The Journal was established by the 12 July 1995 resolution of the Russian Federation State Committee on Higher Education, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the State Assembly and Government of Republic of Mordovia.
The Integration of Education scholarly journal publishes original scientific articles (full articles) in Russian and English, which have not been previously published in other publications. The main thematic direction of the journal is the analysis of genesis and current state of the leading trends in scientific integration processes in education. The mission of the journal is to publish research insights that can make an original contribution to the following branches of scientific knowledge: PEDAGOGY, SOCIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY.
The Editorial Board reviews (double-blind review) all incoming papers. The manuscript of the article is sent for review to several leading specialists of the corresponding profile, who have scientific specialization closest to the subject of the article, to evaluate the scientific content.
Founder and Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University” (68 Bolshevistskaya St., 430005 Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russian Federation).
Periodicity: Quarterly.
The Journal is included in the List of peer reviewed scientific journals published by the Higher Attestation Commission in which major research results from the dissertations of Candidates of Sciences (Cand.Sci.) and Doctor of Science (Dr.Sci.) degrees are to be published. Scientific specialties of dissertations and their respective branches of science are as follows:
5.3.4. Pedagogical psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological sciences),
5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences),
5.4.6. Sociology of culture (sociological sciences),
5.4.7. Sociology of management (sociological sciences),
5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences),
5.8.2. Theory and methods of training and education (by fields and levels of education) (pedagogical sciences),
5.8.3. Correctional pedagogy (surdopedagogy and typopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy) (pedagogical sciences),
5.8.7. Methodology and technology of professional education (pedagogical sciences).
The Journal is a member of OASPA, CrossRef, Translator Code of Ethics, COPE and Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers.
The Journal is indexed and archived in:
- Scopus international database
- Russian Index of Science Citation
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- SHERPA / Romeo database
- Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory international periodical abstract database
- Google Scholar international database of open publications
- European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)
- Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib)
- IPRbooks electronic library system
The Journal is distributed throughout the Russian Federation and other countries.
The languages of publication are Russian and English.
The subscription to the journal is available through the Ural-Press Agency (index 46316) and the Kniga-Service Agency (index E46316).
Please note!
The Editorial Board does not provide any paid or agency services. Editorial Board does not work with intermediaries. Articles are accepted only directly from their authors. All publications in the journal are free. No fast track publication service is available.
The Journal does not publish conference materials. The Editorial Board does not organise scientific conferences.
The Editorial Board does not accept manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other publications or works that fully or partially replicate any previously published works. Duplicate publications are subject to retraction (withdrawal from the press) in case of detection.