УДК 159.92-057.875

DOI: 10.15507/Inted.078.019.201501.030


Shchukina Elena Vladimirovna
(post-graduate student of Institute of Institute of Problems of Upbringing of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (9, Berlinskiy Str., Kiev, Ukraine), assistant of English Language chair of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences (15, Geroev Oborony Str., Kiev, Ukraine), lecturer of Glier Kiev Institute of Music (31, L. Tolstoi Str., Kiev, Ukraine), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


The paper is concerned with the problem of positive social orientation among students in educational institutions of higher learning (third and fourth levels of accreditation). This problem is especially topical during the evolvement of the market economy and implementation of the Bologna process, which generates significant changes in the organization, goals and tasks of educational process. The dominant role of students’ collective in shaping positive social orientation in socio-pedagogical context is examined. Importance of purposeful impact of educational system on formation of a comprehensive, positively oriented personality is underlined in the article. Research has shown that small interest groups are optimized for formation of the positive social orienta- tion, providing the effective cooperation between teachers and small groups of students, groups of academic, educational courses, faculties, including a student government or volunteer youth groups. The system of the social and educational impacts of small groups is determined by an extensive and complex hierarchy, which provides efficiency and development of an individual towards a positive direction. The author emphasizes the importance of targeting of the influence of the educational system on the formation of a completely positively oriented person. The effectiveness of the work done was proved by longitudinal nature of the study.

Keywords: social orientation; the modern market economy; human rights; social education; socialization; small groups


For citation: Shchukina E. V. Formirovanie pozitivnoj social’noj napravlennosti studencheskoj molodezhi [Creation of a positive social orientation among students]. Integracija obrazovanija [Integration of Education]. 2015, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 30–36. DOI: 10.15507/Inted.078.019.201501.030


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