УДК 37.015.31:37.061
DOI: 10.15507/Inted.078.019.201501.060
Kozlova Nataliya Sergeyevna
(associate professor of Social Psychology chair of Ivanovo State University (7a, Ermaka Str., Ivanovo, Russia), Candidate of sciences (PhD) degree holder in psychological sciences, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Komarova Ekaterina Nikolayevna
( senior lecturer of Social Psychology chair of Ivanovo State University (7a, Ermaka Str., Ivanovo, Russia), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This article analyzes the problem of subjective well-being in psychological science. Compares the two major contemporary approach – hedonistic and eudemonical – to understand the nature of psychological well-being, its key characteristics and prerequisites, ways of obtainment. The basic definition of the concept of subjective well-being is cited. The purpose of research is to compare the features of subjective well-being of people with different levels of education. The main hypothesis of our study are: 1. The level of education affects the perception of subjective well-being of an individual. 2. People with an average level of education are less satisfied in their lives compared to other levels of education. The study was performed on a random sample (n = 226 people aged 16 to 67 years) with the use of diagnostic tools: a methodology “Scale of subjective well-being” (M. V. Sokolov) specially designed author's question- naire, questions which are aimed at studying of the experience of subjective well-being. The main results of an empirical study on how to make a conclusion about the peculiarities of the individual perception of the process, depending on its formation. The univariate analysis of variance with Duncan’s formula using an automated package of statistical data processing program “SPSS 13” was applied. Applied aspects of the problem under investigation is the possibility of use of findings in psycho-correctional and psychoprophylactic work related to subjective well-being of an individual. The results can be used to de- velop thaining programs and courses of social and personality psychology. The findings can be used in courses “Social Psychology” and “Psychology of personality”.
Keywords: educational level; subjective well-being; attribution; tension and sensitivity; psycho-emotional symptoms; self-reported health
For citation: Kozlova N. S., Komarova E. N. Osobennosti subektivnogo blagopoluchija lichnosti v zavisimosti ot urovnja ee obrazovanija [Specifics of subjective well-being of a person in respect to the level of education]. Integracija obrazovanija [Integration of Education]. 2015, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 60–64. DOI: 10.15507/ Inted.078.019.201501.060