УДК 001.5:159.95
DOI: 10.15507/Inted.078.019.201501.082
Lobashev Valeriy Danilovich
(associate professor of Theory of Economics and Management chair of Petrozavodsk State University (33, Lenin ave., Petrozavodsk, Russia), Candidate of sciences (PhD) degree holder in pedagogical sciences, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Knowledge, while being a perfect form, cannot be directly transferred from a subject to another subject (from teacher to student): it can only be produced by a subject as a result of their own activity and only through reasoned decision of cognitive training tasks not below a certain degree of difficulty. The practice teaching experience shows that the process of transferring educational information has its own specific scenario and energy. Firstly students transform discrete flow of educational messages organized by teacher into block-continuum of new notions, terms, definitions represented by constellations of signs and images united by value and sense. The basis of training is functionally combined complex cognitive activity, the needs of individual, the mo- tives of his behavior and manifestation of will. Functional image of a particular subject describes the pin count, which is the basis of the information space of the society. The practice of an training as an open system, which includes the mechanisms and procedures for matching categories the value and meaning. Executive part of the model of educational process, in this case, appears in the form of a tuple, formative training route. The construction and analysis of logic and some aspects of the mathematical device allows to allocate separate numerical characteristics of the process. Interaction between parties of educational process has a strict systematical character. This feature allows us identifying this process as a technological one that is regulated by society’s strict borderline conditions. Application for the construction and analysis regulations of logic and some aspects of the mathematical device allows to allocate separate numerical characteristics of the process. Using of principles of modular construction systems and procedures for evaluation of knowledge allows us to greatly simplify the algorithms of cooperation between the participants of the learning process at the final stage of a modeling. Logical model building of discovered circumstances and requirements for objective evaluation serves as a foundation for development of calculating criteria for evaluation of proficiency level throughout the whole educational process.
Keywords: system; model; criteria; qualimetry; evaluation; graph
For citation: Lobashev V. D. Funkcii, algoritmy i argumenty modeli processa ocenivanija [Functions, algorithms and argumentsof evaluation process model]. Integracija obrazovanija [Integration of Education]. 2015, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 82–92. DOI: 10.15507/Inted.078.019.201501.082