УДК 82:93‟1670-1671”
DOI: 10.15507/Inted.078.019.201501.141
Geraskin Timur Vladimirovich
(senior lecturer of Kovylkino campus of Ogarev Mordovia State University (68, Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk, Russia), Candidate of sciences (PhD) degree holder in philological sciences, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Sharonova Elena Aleksandrovna
(professor of Russian and Foreign literature chair of Ogarev Mordovia State University (68, Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk, Russia), Doctor of sciences degree holder in philological sciences, professor, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
This article discusses the nature of interpretation of historical figures and events in modern historical novel of Mordovia. The article focuses on the novel-legend “Towards the Liberty” by K. G. Abramov, dedicated to the peasant war 1670–1671 under the leadership of Stepan Razin. The writer dwells on one of the final stages of the rebellion that took place on the territory of Volga region. In the center of the author’s preference is the activity Akai Bolyaev and Alena Arzamasskaya – leaders of the rebel movement in Volga region. The originality of the saga genre is expressed by artistic understanding of the historical and folklore material which the novel is based on. The authors conclude that depending on the nature of source of information perception and principles of its selection by the writer occurs one or another way the events and the historical image of a historical hero. This allows to comprehend the historical novel-writing of K. Abramov not only in the context of Russian literature of the twentieth century, but also consider it one of the stages in the development of the literary tradition in Russia from the eighteenth century to the present, which enables us to interpret the prose of K. G. Abramov in the context of the works by Karamzin, Radishchev, Knyazhnin, Chapygin, Zlobin, Shukshin, Prilepin, A. Ivanov and others. This approach allows the authors to bring out the name K. Abramov from the narrow limits of the provincial writer’s status and to present his work in a new problematic vein, placing it in the dialogue of national cultures and literatures of different periods.
Keywords: historical novel; novel-legend; international relations; peasant war; system of characters
For citation: Geraskin T. V., Sharonova E. A. Hudozhestvennoe osmyslenie krest’janskoj vojny 1670–1671 gg. v romane K. G. Abramova “Za volju”: nauchno-obrazovatel’nyj kontekst [Artistic interpretation of the peasant war 1670–1671 in the novel by K. Abramov “Towards the liberty”: scientific and educational context]. Integracija obrazovanija [Integration of Education]. 2015, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 141–148. DOI: 10.15507/ Inted.078.019.201501.141