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DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.093.022.201804.696-711


Educational Path and Neuropsychological Support for Children after Cochlear Implantation


Maria E. Baulina
Associate Professor, Chair of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis (34 Kutuzovskiy Prospekt, Moscow 121170, Russia), Researcher of the Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (11 Leninskiye gory, Moscow 119019, Russia), Ph.D. (Psychology), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4024-6489, Researcher ID: V-6741-2018,
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Introduction. This article presents an overview of rehabilitation problems of children after cochlear implantation. Various approaches to teaching deaf children with cochlear implants existing in different countries are considered. The necessity of prolonged psycho-pedagogical support and neuropsychological assistance in choosing an educational path is ar gued.
Materials and Methods. The study used quantitative and qualitative data analysis. As the main parameters of the quantitative analysis, the percentages of the number of children with cochlear implants reaching the level of development of educational and social skills were chosen. Qualitative data analysis included selection of the most commonly found in children with cochlear implants disorders of higher mental functions described in these studies.
Results. The quantitative analysis of the distribution of the results of educational and social achievements of pupils with cochlear implants revealed a significant variation of the data presented in the studies. The greatest discrepancies were revealed in such indicators as progress in mathematics and reading, as well as in the frequency of the sign language, which characterizes the presence of a negative attitude towards the use of sign language instead of speech. Qualitative data analysis showing the specifics of the development of individual mental functions revealed a number of problems that may become targets for correctional training.
Discussion and Conclusion. In the course of advising parents on the choice of an educational pathway for a child, it is advisable to pay their attention not only to the format of the educational process and the type of institution, but also to the content characteristics of learning, including the active and regular use of visual assistive devices. The neuropsychological diagnostics is feasible of for assessment of readiness for school education and choosing an educational path for a child with a c ochlear implants.

Keywords: cochlear implantation, educational path, learning skills, communication skills, neuropsychological diagnostics

For citation: Baulina M.E. Educational Path and Neuropsychological Support for Children after Cochlear Implantation. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2018; 22(4):696-711. DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.093.022.201804.696-711

The author has read and approved the final manuscript.

Submitted 09.02.2018; revised 06.09.2018; published online 28.12.2018.


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