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UDC 159.923:37.01

DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.088.021.201703.459-476


Dialogical Interdetermination in Psychological Phenomenology of Education: an Example of Teachers’ Professional Deformation

Vladimir A. Yanchuk
Dean of the Education Specialists’ Professional Development Faculty, Academy of Postgraduate Education (20 Nekrasov St., Minsk 220040, Belarus), Dr.Sci. (Psychology), professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4524-8371, Researcher ID: I-1344-2017, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ekaterina I. Sapego
Graduate Student of Psychology Department, Belarus State University (4 Nezavisimosti avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus), Master of Pedagogy, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7621-2382, Researcher ID: I-5806-2017, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction: a distinctive feature of modern psychological knowledge is an extreme degree of disintegration manifested in an infinite array of publications describing local fragments of the studied reality outside the context of integrity. Simultaneously, development of knowledge without its metatheoretical interpretation gives it a sporadic character and, consequently, restricts the optimal solutions. The author’s attempt to solve this urgent problem is presented in the framework of sociocultural-interdeterminist dialogical metatheory of integration of psychological knowledge. Methodological foundations with substantial characterisation of metatheory are described. A research objective is to present innovative and heuristic potential of the meta-approach demonstration illustrated through the teacher’s psychological anti-deforming model.
Materials and Methods: the methodological basis of research is presented by the sociocultural interdeterminist dialogical approach to education phenomenology analysis which innovative potential is illustrated by the example of teacher’s personality deformation. System analysis, comparative method, systematisation and conceptualisation of scientific ideas, classification and typifications, research object and subject modeling were used during the study.
Results: the foundations and innovative potential of the sociocultural-interdeterminist dialogical meta-approach to social phenomenology analysis are given a thorough account. The teacher’s personality professional deformation main criteria are given (authoritativeness, rigidity, self-perception non-criticality, role expansionism and pedagogical indifference), the personality deformation operational definition is formulated. The concept of psychological interdeterminants of professional deformation is introduced, the process of interdetermination of personality’s deformation phenomenon is revealed, that is: interdependence of per¬sonal, environmental and activity constituents. As an environmental component the eco-cultural dialogical educational environment with its structural components is described: favorable social-psychological climate, teachers work satisfaction, social support, responsibility, awareness, open type of organisational culture in academic institution and democratic management style. One of the research result is the teacher’s personality anti-deforming psychological interdeterminants model.
Discussion and Conclusions: sociocultural-interdeterminist dialogical meta-approach implies the consideration of social phenomenology in the context of the interdependence of cultural, personal, and environmental interdeterminants. This approach suggests the phenomenon under study has a new quality. Therefore, achievement of required results, including educational practice, presupposes the formation of personal prerequisites that fosters new quality. Respectively, teacher’s professional deformation prevention presupposes enhancement of their psychological culture level, diversity of their vital activity spheres, modelling of components of the eco-cultural dialogical environment in educational establishment.

Keywords: dialogical interdetermination, vital activity, teacher’s professional deformation, psychological interdeterminants, eco-cultural dialogical environment, psychological culture, sociocultural-interdeterminist dialogical meta-approach

For citation: Yanchuk V.A., Sapego E.I. Dialogical interdetermination in psychological phenomenology of education: an example of teachers’ professional deformation. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2017; 21(3):459-476. DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.088.021 .201703.459-476

Contribution of the authors: Vladimir A. Yanchuk – submitted the substantial characteristics of sociocultural-interdeterminist dia¬logical meta-approach to the social phenomenology analysis and its innovative and heuristic potential in relation to an education perspective. Ekaterina I. Sapego – carried out the practical application of metatheory to phenomenology of spatial localisation “personality – environment – activity”; investigated psychological interdeterminants of teacher’s professional deformation; developed the teacher’s personality anti-deforming psychological interdeterminants model; constructed “eco-cultural dialogical type of educational environment”.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
