УДК 316.61-053.81
DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.082.020.201601.051-062
Ruzanna A. Subbotina
(postgraduate student, Chair of General and Applied Psychology, Moscow City Pedagogical University (4, 2nd Agricultural proyezd, Moscow, Russia), ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-6363-1588, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Introduction: the increased need for viсtimologic prevention and correction, problems of formation of socially adapted personality provide for the relevance of the research into psychological features, factors and mechanisms of manifestation of viсtimisation of young men and girls. There is no adequately developed system of preventive activities directed on prevention of realisation of viсtimologic potential of youth. At the same time correctional programmеs will serve a reliable lever which will allow a young man to become less vulnerable to action of various external aggressive factors, to create durable life values, to realize fully the abilities, flexibly and effectively work in difficult life situations.
Materials and Methods: methods of mathematical statistics, software Statistica 8.0 were used for data processing. Identification and comparison of personality types of selected groups of respondents was carried out with the use of cluster and one-way ANOVA test followed by Duncan’s test.
Results: the analysis of empirical data of research allowed to give the thorough and developed characteristic to the groups of examinees under study .
Discussion and Conclusions: the results of identification of specific personal determinants of victimization among young people are presented in the article. The cluster analysis of data allowed to make distinction between groups of examinees with various manifestations of a victimologic role (hypervictimologic, average victimologic and low victimologic). Comparison of manifestation degree of personal determinants of victimisation among three groups of examinees was carried out with use of one-way ANOVA test. Distinctions in manifestations of victimisation among representatives of different victimologic types are described. The conclusion that personal determinants of victimisation have a specific manifestation among representatives of different victimologic types is drawn.
Keywords: victimisation; victimologic personality; victimity; young men and women; victim prevention; type of role victim; coping-strategy
For citation: Subbotina RA. Personal determinants of victimisation among juveniles. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2016; 1(20):51-62. DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.082.020.201601.051-062