УДК37.043.2-055.1/.2 10.15507/Inted.080.019.201503.108
Mikhalkin Vladimir Sergeyevich
(associate professor, Chair of physics and optical engineering, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University (7, Studencheskaya Str., Izhevsk, Russia), Ph.D. (Engineering), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The world history shows, that education in the developed countries is thought to have originated in national systems of religious confessions. Legitimacy of such conclusions has been confirmed by many experts on one of the international UNESCO seminars where it was advocated, that the major reason for vanishing of people’s creative potential is the national education system far-off from spiritual/sacral traditions and culture of the people. The basis of an early stage of the Russian education was Orthodox-Christian faith. Its purposes and contents were characterised by concept of “image”, which included not only training, but also education as a vertical way of development of the person leading to the restoration in him/her the “image and similarity of God”, personified by Jesus Christ (Being. 9, 6). In the beginning of XX-th century the initial sacramentality of Russian education has been violently replaced by the ideology of dialectic materialism, which does not recognise the spiritual beginning of a person and explaining himself/herself and reality on the basis of natural sciences. Modern revival of meaningful dialogue of science and Christian religion creates new possibilities for formation of a spiritual maturity of the person, as his highest requirement. It is not given to him from birth and grows out due to a difficult and intense internal work. The paper discusses finding both secular, and religious spirituality which have essential differences. Under the secular spirituality of the person is meant his/her intellect, culture, deep knowledge of philosophy, art, aspiration to beauty and harmony etc. According to A. Maslow, it corresponds with self-actualisation of the person with availability of inborn abilities and favorable social-historical conditions. Unlike secular spirituality, religious/sacral spirituality of the person is based on a recognition of deficiency of self-determination and desire of a man in creation of his/her personality and necessity of his/her synergy with transcendental Divine energy (grace of God), other-worldly to the terrestrial world, but actively present in him/her and transfiguring him/her. A source of finding of sacral spirituality for students of higher educational institutions is recognition of reality of the transcendental world and enrichment of internal experience through scientific and religious knowledge, which integration and complementarity is destined to became the most important basis for creation of a world outlook platform of new generation.
Keywords: world outlook of а person; integration; synergy; complimentarity; transcendentalism; pro ad contra of secular and sacral spirituality in modern education.
For citation: Mikhalkin V. S. Integratsiya i dopolnitelnost obshchenauchnykh i religioznykh znaniy v mirovozzrencheskom aspekte vysshego obrazovaniya [Integration and complimentarity of general scientific and religious knowledge in the aspect of world outlook for higher education]. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2015, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 108−114. DOI: 10.15507/Inted.080.019.201503.108