УДК 37:81'42

DOI: 10.15507/Inted.75.018.201402.136



A. A. Belyatskaya
(Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia)

The author highlights the topical problem of linguoculture acmeology, i.e. to identify essential features and indicators of human speech activity evolution in written and oral speech. For the first time in linguoculture science the author proposes acme-axiological methodology. The methodology suggests humanistic and constructive understanding of the world text linguoculture and considers text as acmeological activity, i.e. as a human’s pathway to the highest sociocultural knowledge verbalization. Acme-axiological criteria of the concept “language development” are set out. The author develops the idea of applying anthropocosmic criteria complex to the study of the text linguoculture. Anthropocosmism (unlike anthropocentrism) formulates a value paradigm of text study and refers human’s language development to the spiritual self-representation through speech and mental channels.

Keywords: text linguoculture; acme-axiological approach; acmeological criteria of the language development; anthropocosmic paradigm of text study.

About the author:

Belyatskaya Anastasija Aleksandrovna, associate professor of English Language for Professional Communication chair of Ogarev Mordovia State University (68, Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk, Russia), Kandidat Nauk (PhD) degree holder in culturology, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For citation: Belyatskaya A. A. Integral’naja metodologija izuchenija teksta v aspekte lingvokul’tury: akmeo-aksiologicheskij podhod [Integral text methodology in the light of linguoculture: acme-axiological approach]. Integracija obrazovanija [Integration of Education]. 2014, no. 2 (75), pp. 136–142. DOI: 10.15507/ Inted.075.018.201402.136

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