This article by Nikita V. Kurasov, Irina A. Ledovskikh, and Natalya A. Ruchkova (E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) has been retracted (i.e. withdrawn from the press) by the editor with permission o f the publisher. The reason for the article retraction is multiple duplicate publications: the authors have published the same article under the titles “Study of the giftedness concept as part of psychological and pedagogical knowledge” in such journals as “Obrazovaniye i obshhestvo = Education and Society” (2015; 2(91):65-68), “Nauchnoye mneniye = Scientific Opinion” (2015; 3(2):61-67), “Vestnik Vladimirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Aleksandra Grigorevicha i Nikolaya Grigorevicha Stoletovykh. Seriya: Pedagogicheskiye i psikhologicheskiye nauki = Vladimir State University Bulletin: Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences” (2015; 20(39):94-100).

УДК 37.014:34.01                                                

DOI: 10.15507/Inted.080.019.201503.052



Kurasov Nikita Viktorovich
(post-graduate student, Chair of General Psychology, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya Str., Penza, Russia), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Ledovskikh Irina Aleksandrovna
(associate professor, Chair of general psychology, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya Str., Penza, Russia), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Ruchkova Natalya Aleksandrovna
(associate professor, Chair of general psychology, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya Str., Penza, Russia), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


The article is concerned with the study of phenomenon of giftedness within the frame of psychology discipline of native and foreign specialists. This theoretical research presents the diversity of key notions of giftedness together with the modern methods of its diagnosis. This article also deals with the most substantial problem aspects of correlation between creative work and neurosis, inheritance and environment in the giftedness development and its specific characters in junior and school age. The article also discusses the main problematic aspects of the relation of creativity with neurosis (for example, studies of C. Lombroso, L. Cronbach, G. Domino et al.), The problem of heredity and environment in the development of giftedness (analysis of biological and environmental approaches), and the specificity of giftedness and junior school age (the problem of uneven development of giftedness, “reduction” of creative activity with age, particularly gifted student interaction with the environment). Due to the theoretical analysis of all these aspects, the authors have expressed a number of critical thinking in relation to the modern humanitarian paradigm and its understanding of the nature of giftedness − states convention overriding environmental approach in pedagogy and the resulting error approach teachers and psychologists in the diagnosis of giftedness in students, have suggested insolvency psycho-diagnostic material to identify the intellectual and creative abilities, and the creative process (by analogy with the classical definition of Vygotsky) is considered as the process of creating a “new objective” of the material − in other words, the process of creating what was not to creative problem solving in nature. The main idea of the article is the following problem statement: biological understanding of human capabilities, in which giftedness is defined as an individual an intrinsic property of the human brain − on the one hand, does not contradict the main tasks of modern pedagogy, on the other hand − requires serious integrated approach to the identification of giftedness, initially excludes all modern psychological methods of diagnosis.

Keywords: endowments; creative work; intuition and insight; intelligence; creativity.


For citation: Kurasov N. V., Ledovskikh I. A., Ruchkova N. A. Izuchenie ponyatiya odarennosti v ramkakh psikhologo-pedagogicheskogo znaniya [Study of the concept of giftedness as part of psychological and pedagogical knowledge]. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2015, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 52−58. DOI: 10.15507/Inted.080.019.201503.052


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