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UDK 37:316.628-057.87

DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.098.024.202001.050-061


Factors for Increasing Motivation to Theory Class Attendance among Students of Technology Studies

Gražina Droessiger
Lecturer at the Faculty of Creative Industries, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (11 Saulėtekio al., Vilnius LT-10223, Lithuania), Ph.D. in Humanities, Associate Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7549-6149, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sonata Vdovinskiene
Lecturer at the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (11 Saulėtekio al., Vilnius LT-10223, Lithuania), Ph.D. in Physical Sciences, Associate Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4077-863X, Scopus ID: 14061389300, Researcher ID: AAA-9765-2020, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction. The article examines factors for a potential increase in student motivation to theory class attendance. Scientific research presents various factors for students’ non-attendance, beginning with personal reasons and nuances of study organization and ending with the teacher approach to their work. This article looks specifically into the factors controlled by the teacher , more precisely, their competences.
Materials and Methods. The qualitative study was conducted in the academic year 2018–2019, through the analysis of study motivation opinions of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University students majoring in technology studies. The article presents the analysis of one aspect of the conducted survey, i.e., what teachers could or should do to motivate students to attend theory classes.
Results. The processed data indicated that students link motivation to study to three primary teaching competences: the didactic, communicative and personal ones. According to students, the teaching staff’s didactic competence should include the ability to create a reasonable balance between theory and practical application, the capability to visually present and impart focal points of the study material, the capacity to plan out lectures, the skill to apply interactive studying methods, and the potential to motivate students by introducing accumulative bonus grades.
Discussion and Conclusion. While there was a clear differentiation between three teacher competences, the weight placed on each one differs. The didactic competence carries the most weight, and teachers should, therefore, reflect on whether they establish an optimal state of balance between theory and praxis; prepare visually appealing lectures, and consistently and structurally convey the study material, etc.

Keywords: technology studies, student motivation, non-attendance, theory lectures, teachers’ competences

For citation: Droessiger G., Vdovinskiene S. Factors for Increasing Motivation to Theory Class Attendance among Students of Technology Studies. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2020; 24(1): 50-61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/1991-9468.098.024.202001.050-061

Contribution of the authors:
Gražina Droessiger – study conception; scientific management; development of methodology; data analysis; drafting of manuscript; critical revision
Sonata Vdovinskiene – study conception; development of methodology; performance of the empirical study; data collection and analysis; visualization of data in the text; drafting of manuscript; critical revision.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Submitted 28.06.2019; revised 30.10.2019; published online 31.03.2020.


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