

УДК 001.8’6

DOI: 10.15507/Inted.74.018.201401.071



G. T. Botokanova
(Kyrgyz National Agrarian University)

The article highlights the relevance of the traditional knowledge research methodology, due to the fact that at the present stage of society’s development, in the context of globalisation, the distinctive cultures are highly threatened. Since traditional knowledge as an object of scientific discourse is a complex, multi-faceted and multifunctional phenomena, their study requires a special methodological approach. The author points out that the methodology of the study is determined by the source of traditional knowledge study. If the source of the study is human resources (custodians of traditional knowledge), the dominant methods are sociological and psychological, as well as ethnomethodological. If the source of the study are various symbols, signs, codes, both material and spiritual culture, folklore, the use of semiotic and hermeneutic methods is more efficient. If the source of the study are archival materials and historical literature, it is recommended to follow general logical methods of study, such as the unity of history and logic, abstraction and generalisation, comparison, classification, deduction and induction, theoretical analysis, compilation of archival data and documentary materials. It is important to notice that above mentioned methods of the study of traditional knowledge should be specified and modified. For a complete comprehension of the matter of traditional knowledge an integrated approach is required, which includes philosophical, cultural and other scientific methods. The methodology of the study of traditional knowledge should not be reduced to any one of the methods, each of the discussed methods is correlating, and may be used in various aspects of traditional knowledge analysi s.

Keywords: methodology; unity of historical and logical; abstracting; generalisation; comparison; classification; deduction; induction; theoretical analyses; hermeneutics; observation; interviewing; ethnomethodology; semiotic; systematic and structural; comparative methods.

About the authors:

Botokanova Gulnara Topchuevna, assistant research professor, Chair of History and Philosophy, Kyrgyz National Agrarian University (Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic), Kandidat nauk degree holder (PhD) in philosophical sciences, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For citation: Botokanova G. T. Problemy metodologii issledovanija tradicionnyh znanij [Problems of traditional knowledge research methodology]. Integracija obrazovanija [Integration of Education]. 2014, no. 1 (74), pp. 71−76.

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