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DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.115.028.202402.282-301


Model of the Preschool Teachers’ Professional Well-Being

Elena N. Volkova
Dr.Sci. (Psychol.), Professor, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Childhood Psychology and Digital Socialization, Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (9, bld. 4 Mokhovaya St., Moscow 125009, Russian Federation), ORCID:, Scopus ID: 35486087600, Researcher ID: G-8595-2015, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Oksana M. Isaeva
Cand.Sci. (Psychol.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Organizational Psychology, HSE University – Nizhny Novgorod (25/12 Bolshaya Pecherskaya St., Nizhny Novgorod 603155, Russian Federation), ORCID:, Scopus ID: 57214320419, Researcher ID: E-8096-2018, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yulia E. Makarevskaya
Cand.Sci. (Psychol.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Psychology and Defectology, Sochi State University (94 Plastunskaya St., Sochi 354000, Russian Federation), ORCID:, Scopus ID: 57224937203, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Arina V. Kisel
Specialist of the UNESCO Chair of Early Childhood Care and Education, International Aca- demy of Preschool Education (7, bld. 1 Mnevniki St., Moscow 123308, Russian Federation), ORCID:, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction. The professional well-being of preschool teachers is sufficiently understudied, and operational models of professional well-being have not yet been built. The aim of the study is to develop a model of professional well-being of preschool teachers and to assess the quality of this model through empirical testing.
Materials and Methods. The study involved 818 teachers aged 19‒74 with work experience ranging from 3 months to 50 years. The data was collected with the Russian version of PERMA-Profiler (O. M. Isaeva, A. Yu. Akimova, E. N. Volkova, 2022), Questionnaire of Basic Needs in Work (E. N. Osin, D. D. Suchkov, T. O. Gordeeva, T. Yu. Ivanova, 2015), Questionnaire of Professional Motivation (E. N. Osin, et al., 2017), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (D. A. Kutuzova, 2006), a short version of the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (A. A. Pankratova, D. S. Kornienko, D. V. Lyusin, 2022), and a short version of the Big Five (M. S. Egorova, O. V. Parshikova, 2016). The empirical data were collected online.
Results. The three-component composition of the model of preschool teachers’ professional well-being was identified with structural equation modeling. The model includes general well-being, activity and personal components. High professional well-being is associated with high level of basic PERMA characteristics, subjective feeling of good health; satisfaction of basic needs for autonomy, competence, relatedness; autonomous types of motivation; job satisfaction; the energy and efficiency of the teacher; high agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to new experiences, extraversion and low neuroticism. The characteristics of a teacherʼs emotional intelligence were not included in the model.
Discussion and Conclusion. The presented study contributes to the understanding of the structure and components of professional well-being of preschool teachers. The model of professional well-being can be used by the management of preschool educational institutions to develop and implement individual professional development programs, as well as to address issues of teacher retention in the organization.

Keywords: professional well-being, psychological well-being, preschool teachers, structural model, empirical verification

Conflict of interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

For citation: Volkova E.N., Isaeva O.M., Makarevskaya Yu.E., Kisel A.V. Model of the Preschool Teachers’Professional Well-Being. Integration of Education. 2024;28(2):282–301.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Submitted 16.01.2024; revised 03.04.2024;
accepted 08.04.2024.

Authors’ contribution:
E. N. Volkova – concept development; organization and coordination of the research; review of foreign literature on the stated problem; analysis of empirical materials and interpretation of results; preparation of graphic materials; formulation of conclusions.
O. M. Isaeva – review of Russian studies on the research topic; empirical materials analysis; preparation of graphic materials; text design.
Yu. E. Makarevskaya – collection of information; participation in the analysis of national and foreign studies on the research topic.
A. V. Kisel – collection and primary processing of empirical materials.


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