

УДК 37.01:378:34

DOI: 10.15507/Inted.077.018.201404.091



E. M. Prikhodko
(Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russia)


The article considers the peculiarities of formation of professionally important qualities for law students. Professionally important qualities are understood as complex mental education, the system of functional, operational and personality components, which have a dynamic structure with functional dependencies. The author judges that the development and formation of professionally important qualities of a person in terms of student learning activities at the University is primarily a result of the development of the structure of selfconsciousness, namely professional self-awareness (PS) personality. On the basis of professional identity, as well as on the basis of active self-knowledge and self-education of the student, develop professionally important qualities, which provide professional development and formation of personality of a future specialist. The article examines theoretical approaches to the problem, identifies the levels of development of professionally important qualities. To solve the set tasks were used the following research methods: theoretical analysis, synthesis and interpretation of scientific data available in psychological science on the problem under study, comparative analysis, modeling. The article presents the results of the diagnostics of the formation of professionally important qualities of future lawyers in the process of obtaining of higher education. The author selected structural components of professionally important qualities: professional identity, values, professional competence, awareness of the prestige of the profession, which are interpreted as internal psychological and acmeological factors of their successful formation. On the basis of the selected components developed psychological and acmeological structural model of formation of professionally important qualities of a good lawyer, and a theoretical model of their development, based on a uniform, progressive development of all structural components. According to the results of the study confirmed that professional identity is a strategic component of the entire structure of psychological readiness of students for professional work.

Keywords: professional qualities; future lawyers; professional self-awareness; motivation structure of educational activity; professionalization.

About the author:

Prikhodko Evgeniya Mikhailovna, Post-graduate student, Chair of pedagogics and IT , Astrakhan State University (20 a, Tatishchev Str., Astrakhan, Russia), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For citation: Prikhodko E. M. Dinamika formirovanija professional’no vazhnyh kachestv budushhih juristov v sisteme vysshego professional’nogo obrazovanija [The dynamics of development of professionally important qualities of future lawyers in the system of higher education]. Integracija obrazovanija [Integration of Education]. 2014, no. 4 (77), pp. 91−97. DOI: 10.15507/Inted.077.018.201404.091

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